Capeville Masonic Cemetery

Capeville, Virginia

(Click here for a photo of the new sign)

Select a family name:

Abbott Churn Figgs Hitchens McAllen Roush Walker
Andrews Clark Fisher Hope McKown Rowe Warren
Ashby Coldiron Fitchett Hopper McMunn Savage Webb
Baker Colle Floyd Horne McPherson Schratke Wessells
Barcroft Collins Fontaine Horner Mears Scott Whealton
Barrett Colonna Fountaine Houck Merritt Serlich White
Bartlett Costin Frisby Hudgins Milbourn Shrader Whitehead
Belda Coulbourne Froehlich Hughes Miller Shreeves Whitmore
Bell Cowan Gale Iliffe Mister Silvia Widgeon
Belote Crawford Gee Ivins Mooney Skidmore Wilgus
Bend Crockett Gibbs Johnson Moore Small Wilkins
Bennett Culver Gladden Jones Nottingham Smith Williams
Best Cunningham Goffigon Karcher Oakley Sorrels Willis
Birch Curling Griffith Kellam Orsinger Spady Wilson
Booker Cushman Gudes Kelley Parker Stiles Wise
Bosse Davis Haig Korleski Post Stromyer Woodson
Bowden Dixon Hall Kubic Pusey Tankard Wray
Brady Downes Hallett Lassiter Reid Tapman Wrona
Brooks Downing Hamilton  Latimer Richardson Tatem Wyatt
Brown Dunton Hanby Latimer-Elliott Rippon Taylor Young
Bull Dutton Heath Lewis Risley Townsend
Burland Dykes Hennequin Long Rogers Travis
Chambers Echols Hewitt Looney Rolley Trimbach
Chandler Effertz Hickman Lyon Rooks Trower
Charnock Elliott Hill Martin Rosenbaum Vaden
Christensen Ewell Hinman Matthews Ross Velsor UNIDENTIFIED

Gravestone Inscriptions: #24, Capeville Masonic Cemetery, CMC

 Click here for photo credits
